Monday, April 02, 2007

Easter Peep

Here is my Easter peep from trying to fit in the scanner.

Also made two Barbie outfits for birthdays last week. Colors and styles picked by mini-me for her friends. A lavender sparkle gown "just like my [Barbie's] pink one, but lavender and sparkly" and a "rock star" sweater. I was also required to sew a jean skirt to go with that one.

Sent off my first Preemie Project donation today. The blue hat and booties. I have a whole collection of patterns to try next and I'm still knitting away on the blanket.

Also working on a knitted belt for me. We'll see about that one. Missed my cross-stitch-along group today. Too busy getting on top of my schedule to actually be on top of my schedule!


kat said...

peep looks cute even in a scanner

Obsidian Kitten said...

looks like an underwater view of a swimming peep!

great barbie outfits!

Scarlett said...

I love the peep! Another pattern in my to do stash.

My inner child loves your barbie stuff. My best friend as a child had an aunt who made her barbie clothes and I was also SO intensely jeolous of that!

And I love the fairies your daughter drew.

So, thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit! I enjoyed your blog a bunch!