Friday, February 23, 2007

Pictures haven't been uploading for days

I can finally post the February mid-month KAL. It was fun to do a pattern stitch--it's been awhile.
I am working on a spa washcloth (turkishwashcloth) for my husband, he nearly confiscated the KAL one for shower use. My first thought was to make all the bathroom ones blue, so we know they belong in the bathroom, but now I'm thinking I want a spa washcloth for me, too. What color do I make that one? I'm making all the kitchen ones ecru or varigated including ecru.
Here is my progress on the Brazilian. Stuck now until I can get to the shop for some more Iris 222. We are getting slammed with an ice storm as I write, so no getting out tomorrow. It's a snow day for me! Lose income, but get to stay home all weekend, which is a rarity.

Here also is my first Brazilian, which I have picked at for many years. Let's see, started it maybe 2 years before getting pregnant, worked on it again on another fishing trip when baby was 3 months, baby turning 5 next month. Dug it out tonight and figured out that I'm stuck right now, having run out of Kreinik metallic thread for the little branches. I think the shop can order it. Also have to remember what color I need to pick up to do that last rose at the top over again, I remember picking it out. I'm sure it's in my notes, I just haven't really looked. There is some questionable stitch technique here, but also some pleasant surprises looking back at it.

Okay, here is the cross-stitch. This has been fun. I have a few questions about how to finish it to ask next month, then I am on to another, I think.
It will be a fairy, but I'm not sure which direction to go. I have turned some fairy art into cross-stitch patterns (copyright guilt), and also turned some of my daughter's drawings of fairies into patterns. I may make a quilt eventually including either or both of these ideas. A quilt seems very daunting, so that's way off.
Brazilian seems daunting to me sometimes, too, when I haven't picked it up in awhile it's hard to believe I will still be able to do it!

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