Monday, December 28, 2009


First things first. Have to organize my office, such as it is. My little corner of the basement is where I stash everything when I run out of time to truly put things away properly. That has to stop. My brain requires a clean space. Not a very friendly little corner either. We'll see what we can do.

I bought another set of shelves with some of my Christmas money. Already had trouble with those. The bottom assembly tipped while being assembled so 2 of the attach points are not secure. To satisfy my mock-OCD I will need to find the wood putty and re-do those points. Gack.

Also in my way of setting up the shelves is a pile of unsorted crap in front of the shelves I am replacing, which also need to be taken apart and re-appointed. So, I'm back to the pile of crap I was avoiding in the first place by shopping for shelves.

Crap. Needs a nice acronym definition. Let's see... continually regenerating... assorted... pile. Eh. Because it's not really crap. It's good stuff. I get rid of actual crap. This stuff just needs to be assigned a "proper place" as it were.

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